Ramadan resource pack
Het Resource Pack Ramadan helpt je bidden voor moslims tijdens de Ramadan. Tips, adviezen, video’s en aanbevolen lectuur. Regelmatige updates volgen.
Het Resource Pack Ramadan helpt je bidden voor moslims tijdens de Ramadan. Tips, adviezen, video’s en aanbevolen lectuur. Regelmatige updates volgen.
What is your reaction when you see the artwork ‘holy cow’ (click holy cow to see the image)? As a Christian, how does it make you feel? The artist responsible for the ‘holy cow’ says that he recognises his work is controversial but argues that banning such artwork would entail the end of dialogue (De …
Come listen to a short story about Jesus’ life every Wednesday at 16:00 Previous messages can be watched on our YouTube channel.
I think a critical question to ask ourselves is what is God trying to teach us through this season? Recently as I was praying about the current crisis the following verses came to mind: ‘For no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this …
What does the current Coronacrisis mean for Christians? Read More »
Mahabba is a growing network of Christians who long to see God’s kingdom come amongst the Muslims of Belgium. Groups of Christians from various church and cultural backgrounds regularly meet together to pray for the Muslims in their city. Through these times of prayer the church is motivated and mobilised to lovingly witness to their …
Mahabba is recruiting! We are looking for a regional secretary for Wallonia Read More »